Monday, August 10, 2009

Change To Reap The Harvest - Happy 6th Year Anniversary

Dear Fellow Citadelians and Visitors,

I can't believe that it's yet another year that the Lord has so graciously allowed me, Nancy and Tiffany to serve here in Detroit at Citadel. It seemed like only yesterday that I was packing boxes and saying my farewells making our way to Detroit from Chicago. Days followed and we were sitting in a living room with some new friends who seemed to have interest in this "idea" called Citadel. Well, to God be the glory for the things that He has done. Several hundred souls later and hundreds of members later, God has proven Himself to show us His unbelievable faithfulness. For that I'm eternally grateful.

At the beginning of this year, the Lord impressed on my heart that this would be the year that we would need to prepare to Change to reap the harvest. Well, much has changed! We planted our first church, The Bridge Covenant Church pastored by our own very capable, Pastor Janine Simpson. We also hired our outstanding Minister of music, Adrian B. King. And lately we've added to our full time staff, Pastor Shaun Marshall as our Executive Pastor. Much is changing and we're seeing God do some amazing things. We have a goal of adding to our church family 5oo new members by year end and we are well on our way with over 270 plus new members already. But most importantly, we're seeing some changes in the way our membership is viewing stewardship, involvement and ownership. God is up to something and it's thrilling.

I have had the privilege of sharing with leaders from across America and around the world at this years Leadership Summit out of the Chicagoland area. An estimated 100,000 people viewed this event, and the message was really about YOU Citadel. Your courage, willingness to "get out of the boat", and unwavering love for God's Word has made it quite easy to share the Lord's work here in Detroit, because you are allowing Him to use YOU! Thanks for being the best flock a pastor could dream of serving!

I want to encourage each of you who read this blog to allow yourselves to not be boxed in to your own limitations and self-imposed reasons for not dreaming big. What are your dreams? What is it that God has shown you about your destiny that you've allowed circumstances to derail? I want to admonish you to get back on track and believe again. This is the greatest tool of the As a matter of fact this is the name of our church Citadel (Fortress) of FAITH! Believe!!!!! That might be all you have, but it's all that you need. Not money, friends, Faith can move mountains. Faith can uproot past failures and disappointments. Allow this season to be the one that you choose God over your own failures. This is the season where the promises of God should be held onto. Dream...come on what to do you have to lose? Indeed you have EVERYTHING to gain! Go for it!




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