Friday, September 26, 2008
The Economic Crisis and The Believer's Response
Dear Blogger and Citadel Member,
These are some of the most challenging economic times that we've ever seen. It's amazing to see so many things happening seemingly at once! The collapse of major banking systems; storms which have crippled entire municipal budgets and good people losing their jobs and homes. These are very dire times. Yet in the midst of that, God calls us to have a very different outlook as believers. We're not encouraged to "put our heads in the sand" and ignore what's happening in the world around us. Yet, we are encouraged to think on the things that are pure, lovely and of a good report. Phillipians 4:8 states that if there be any virtue or if there be any praise, think on these things! Where are your thoughts today? As you read this blog, are you thinking of calamity or God's promise? Are you so overwhelmed that it's causing you to have fear and not faith? If this is the case, shift your thoughts away from what you see to what you don't see, but what you KNOW is promised to you by our Lord. God does not promise to give us lives free from adversity, but He does promise us peace in the midst of adversity!!!!
One of my favorite seasons of the year is Christmas. One of the highlights of that season is haring Handel's Messiah. Handel refers to the book of Revleation 11:15 when he triumphantly and musically proclaims, "The Kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. These words always stir me because it reminds me of the finality of this life and planet. Our world will always change. Kingdoms will rise and fall, but the kingdom of God will always remain. Therefore, where is the true retirement plan? Is it in markets that shift and change, or is it in eternal things that remain forever. I'm not fostering fiscal nor personal financial irresponsibility, however, I am encouraging every believer who reads this to prioritize. Give to kingdom of God causes. Sow into things that will not perish or shift.
May the peace of God rest on you as we whether yet another storm in our world and in our nation. God is sovereign and Jesus is LORD!
Pastor Carey
August 2, 2009 at 10:42 PMUnknown said...
Pastor Carey,
Thank you for preaching the Word at Northridge this weekend. We love you and will pray for the Lord's work at the Citadel.
In Him.
Rich S.